Languages and Localization

Read about built-in translations for the plugin.

Starting v8.0.3, AdvancedEnchantments introduces localization by default. Most messages are now available in the locale folder of the AdvancedEnchantments plugin folder.

Included Languages

  • English en-us

  • German de-de

  • Spanish es-es

  • French fr-fr

  • Indonesian id

  • Dutch nl-nl

  • Polish pl-pl

  • Russian ru-ru

  • Portuguese pt-br

  • Romanian ro

  • Italian it

  • Chinese (Simplified) zh-cn

  • Hungarian hu

  • Vietnamese vi

  • Korean ko

Switching between languages

Switching the default plugin language is a very simple process. Simply, change the language setting in the config.yml to any of language included codes (Included Languages, e.g. en-us, id, nl-nl) and restart your server.

# Change default messages language. You can modify all messages in AdvancedEnchantments `locale` folder.
# Read more here:
language: 'en-us'

Editing locale file messages

Editing the default messages from locale files is very easy. Open the locale folder in the AdvancedEnchantments folder, then find your assigned language file (default en-us.yml) and start editing there.

Creating custom locale files

AE also supports creating your own language files. To do so, simply copy-paste one of the default locale files, rename it to the LCID string of the language you're translating to (List of LCID strings). Then, follow the step above, inserting the LCID string of the language you just translated. If you would like to submit your translation to be included in the plugin, join our Discord server, create a ticket, and send a Pastebin link containing the contents of your file.

Last updated