🔩Plugin Items

How to give plugin items? Here's an example of how to give admin items to players.

Plugin items list

All plugin items: whitescroll, slotincreaser, mystery, secret, magic, blackscroll, randomizer, renametag, blocktrak, stattrak, soultracker, mobtrak, soulgem, transmog, holywhitescroll, orb

Methods of Obtaining

There are a few methods for players to obtain AE Items:

  • Adding them to Enchanter in config

  • Making Mobs drop them

  • Automatically generating AE Items in loot

  • Having Villagers trade them

  • Selling the items in a shop via another shop plugin

    • Run ae giveitem command from below

  • Giving them in Crates from another crate plugin

How to give items

White scroll

Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> whitescroll <amount> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve whitescroll 1

Slot Increaser

Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> slotincreaser <amount> <group> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve slotincreaser 1 SIMPLE

Mystery Dust

Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> mystery <amount> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve mystery 1

Secret Dust

Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> secret <amount> <group> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve secret 1 SIMPLE

Magic Dust

Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> magic <amount> <group> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve magic 1 SIMPLE

Black Scroll

Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> blackscroll <amount> <chance of success*> * Value of 0 means success chance will be random Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve blackscroll 1 55

Randomization Scroll

Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> randomizer <amount> <group> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve randomizer 1 SIMPLE

Rename Tag

Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> renametag <amount> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve renametag 1

Some people may have issues with using color codes when renaming, if so, check your chat provider, such as DeluxeChat and give players the permission to use color codes.


Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> blocktrak <amount> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve blocktrak 1


Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> stattrak <amount> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve stattrak 1


Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> mobtrak <amount> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve mobtrak 1


Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> soulgem <amount> <amount of souls> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve soulgem 1 1250

Transmog Scroll

Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> transmog <amount> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve transmog 1

Holy White Scroll

Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> holywhitescroll <amount> Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve holywhitescroll 1

Enchantment Orbs

Command Usage: /ae giveitem <player> orb <amount> <type*> <max slots> <success> * Types: ARMOR, WEAPON, TOOL Example Usage: /ae giveitem Steve orb 1 ARMOR 15 100

Heroic Upgrade

Command Usage: /asets giveHeroicUpgrade <player> <set> <chance>[amount] Example Usage: /ae giveHeroicUpgrade Steve Yijki 50 1

Last updated