
Enchanter configuration, economy and how to sell not only enchantments but other items - it's all explained here.

Enchanter's configuration is located in plugins/AdvancedPlugins/menus/Enchanter.yml

Available economy types

You can use any of these economy types when it comes to enchanter. Simply, changing between price configuration (explained further below Charge players for clicking items you can learn where to change prices)

  • exp

  • money

  • level

  • souls (works with items that are held when opening inventory)

  • diamonds

  • gold (gold ingots)

  • emeralds

Configure Basic Items

To set up custom items in the enchanter that have no functionality is very simple and uses basic item formatting from all AE items:

          type: ANVIL
          id: 0
          force-glow: false
        name: '&aOpen Tinkerer'
        - '&7Open Tinkerer'

Run commands with items

The item will have no functionality, but in the previous case, you might want to add item some functionality. We can do this by adding new settings to run a command:

          type: ANVIL
          id: 0
          force-glow: false
        name: '&aOpen Tinkerer'
        - '&7Open Tinkerer'
          - 'tinkerer'

Charge players for clicking item

player-command will make the player run specified commands when clicked. You can as well use console-command to run commands from the servers console when the player clicks - this is especially useful when selling products in enchanter:

          type: PAPER
          id: 0
          force-glow: false
        price: money:400
        name: '&f&lWhitescroll &7(Click to buy)'
        - '&fPrevents an item from being destroyed'
        - '&fdue to a failed Enchantment Book.'
        - '&ePlace scroll on items to apply.'
        - ''
        - '&b&lCOSTS &f$400'
          - 'ae giveitem %player% whitescroll 1'

Sell custom enchantments

To simply sell custom enchantment books define the group to which it should target:

          type: STAINED_GLASS_PANE
          id: 3
          force-glow: false
        enchant-group: ELITE
        price: exp:2500
        name: '&b&lElite Enchantment &7(Right Click)'
        - '&7Examine to recieve a random'
        - '&belite &7enchantment book.'
        - ''
        - '&b&lCOST &f2500 EXP'

Last updated